Tessell for Oracle on Azure

The only DBaaS platform for Oracle on Azure. Migrate, modernize, and manage your Oracle databases with ease.

Demo Oracle on Azure


Managed Oracle PaaS on Azure

Run the databases in your tenancy with a white box control plane and data plane deployment architecture. Bring your licenses,  networks, keys, SLAs, custom Oracle software images, compliance, and security posture, all with single-pane management.

Choice of Infrastructure

Choose from an exhaustive list of infrastructure choices including standard compute shapes (M, E, and D series) with Premium/Ultra SSD, NVMe-based high-performance compute shapes (L series), Exadata, and Azure NetApp Files.

Life & Shine Oracle to Azure

Migrate applications without modification: improve performance with upgraded hardware, apply the latest software feature releases, and patches, and augment with modern cloud services. Seamlessly migrate with zero data loss and near-zero downtime.

Tessell Seamless Database Migration Flow

Available on Azure Marketplace

Purchase via Azure Marketplace and deploy in your tenant. Burn your MACC credits on not just your Azure infrastructure but also Tessell's management costs.

Consume with your MACC Credits

Use your MACC or Azure commit-to-consume (CtC) credits to try and buy the Tessell Service from the Azure Marketplace. These credits are “use them or lose them” — but you can now transform unused credits into operational efficiency and cost savings with the next-generation DBaaS: Tessell.

Oracle Packaged Apps

Migrate your entire estate: Peoplesoft, E-Business Suite, JD Edwards, SAP, etc., and Oracle databases to Azure with Tessell.

COTS & Custom Applications

Migrate & manage Oracle custom applications side-by-side with packaged applications.  Manage each fleet with their own certified patches and upgrades, with their own maintenance windows, according to your business needs.

Business Value and Migration Assessment

Understand the value to your business, optimize savings, and reduce the time to pay back.  Benefits include Infrastructure optimization, operational savings, database, and license consolidation.

Migrate with your GSI or Tessell

Confidently migrate with your trusted partners regardless of whether you are currently on-premises, self-managing the databases on the cloud, or running them on Amazon RDS.

Manage Oracle on Azure “@ your terms”
  • Deploy in your tenant, subscription, and resource group
  • Bring your own: Custom OS Image, Keys, Security/Compliance Posture, 3rd Party Integrations (Qualys, JSonar, OEM, etc.)
  • Restricted, Controlled, and Audited Server Access
Choice of Compute and Storage Infrastructure
  • Choose from any Azure native compute shapes
  • Run in dedicated hosts to optimize license
  • Choice of infrastructure: Ultra/Premium SSDs NVMe, ANF, Exadata
  • Align your storage costs to workload and performance to use-case
Unified High Availability, Lifecycle Management, and Monitoring for your entire database estate
  • Fleet-managed patching & upgrade according to your business needs
  • Single pane of management for all Oracle workloads and apps
  • IAM integration, ticketing federation, security, and management agents
  • Zero RTO and RPO with multi-AZ HA and cross-region DR
  • Auto resize and scale instances according to your business needs

Data Plane @ Customer

The data plane resides in the customer’s Azure tenant. All the databases, snapshots, backups, transaction logs, monitoring metrics, and database logs are stored here.

Bring Your Own Network

Customers can choose to run databases on private networks. There’s no inbound connection from the control plane to the data plane. Only outbound calls to Tessell REST APIs over HTTPS are made from the data plane.

Secure Control Plane

The control plane is hosted on Tessell’s Azure tenant. Only the Tessell GUI and REST APIs are publicly accessible over HTTPS. Everything else runs on a private network. Tessell only keeps the metadata about the managed services here.

Single Sign-On

Securely authenticate your users via SSO (Azure AD). All clients, including the GUI, use REST APIs with revocable tokens.

Deployment Architecture Azure

Minimum Privileges

Tessell’s access to the data plane adheres to the least privilege model. Tessell restricts its operations to a specific resource group within a specific subscription and is unable to access (read, write, update, or delete) any resources that are not our own.

Operate Within Parameters

Within the workspace that you create for Tessell, you can confine Tessell to using the networks (BYON) and keys (BYOK) of your choice. Tessell can’t create, update or delete any network or key.

Azure Security Architecture

Customer Feature

Large Investment Firm

"Utilization of DB consolidation service within Tessell’s Oracle PaaS resulted in a remarkable 40% improvement in database runtimes and a 20% enhancement in the overall API experience."

Chief Technology Officer
Read Case Study
Optimization of licenses
Faster DB query runtimes
SEBI Cloud Adoption Compliance