Bakul Banthia
Bakul Banthia
August 7, 2024

From Insights to Business Impact with Your Data

Bakul Banthia
Bakul Banthia
August 7, 2024
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The Data & Analytics (D&A) function is pivotal for business success in the contemporary landscape where data drives decisions. However, many executives still question its value. D&A leaders must build trust and establish themselves as essential business enablers to shift this perception. This involves crafting a strong, distinct, and successful brand for the D&A function. Here’s how to achieve that.

Support Role to Business Enabler

Altering how stakeholders perceive the D&A function involves showcasing its critical role in enabling business success. This requires balancing technological and data governance approaches with a focus on people and value.

Tangible Value

Align your D&A strategy with the broader business strategy. Identify key stakeholders and demonstrate how D&A can help them achieve their goals. Begin by prototyping high-impact use cases to illustrate potential benefits. This proactive approach ensures that stakeholders can see the direct impact of D&A on their objectives, fostering a sense of partnership and trust. By presenting real-world examples of how D&A can drive significant business outcomes, leaders can bridge the gap between data initiatives and business goals, making the value of D&A unmistakable.

Talent and Culture

Employ D&A translators to connect technical teams with business units. Foster a data-driven culture through targeted training and skills development. Building a data-driven culture means more than hiring skilled professionals; it involves creating an environment where data is at the heart of decision-making. This can be achieved through continuous learning programs, workshops, and hands-on training that equip employees with the necessary skills to leverage data effectively. By fostering an organizational mindset that values data, D&A leaders can ensure data initiatives are supported and utilized across all enterprise levels.

Trust and Data

Ensure certified, global data is accessible via a well-organized catalog. Implement a data marketplace and provide training on data structures and their use. Trust in data is paramount. By certifying data and making it accessible through a structured catalog, organizations can ensure that users have reliable and accurate information at their fingertips. A data marketplace can further enhance this by allowing users to discover, access, and utilize data products quickly. Training programs that help users understand data structures and how to use them effectively can demystify data and encourage its broader use across the organization, thereby building trust.

Platforms and Technologies

Partner with the CIO to develop D&A platforms and IT standards. Focus on creating an operating model that supports cost-effective and secure IT capabilities. The proper technological infrastructure is crucial for the success of D&A initiatives. By collaborating with the CIO, D&A leaders can ensure their platforms are robust, scalable, and aligned with IT standards. Developing a comprehensive operating model that integrates data and technology capabilities can streamline processes and reduce costs. This partnership ensures that D&A initiatives are technologically sound and aligned with the broader IT strategy, making them more effective and sustainable.

Control to Collaboration

D&A leaders need to shift from a top-down, control-oriented approach to one centered on collaboration and enterprise enablement to strengthen connections with stakeholders.

Identify Key Stakeholders

Determine how D&A initiatives can support the enterprise business strategy and the goals of key stakeholders. Understanding the needs and objectives of key stakeholders is the first step toward effective collaboration. By mapping out how D&A can support these goals, leaders can tailor their initiatives to provide maximum value. This involves regular communication with stakeholders to understand their challenges and priorities, ensuring that D&A efforts are aligned with their needs. This alignment enhances the relevance of D&A initiatives and fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among stakeholders.

Engage with Stakeholders

Use interviews, workshops, and collaborative methods to gain buy-in and support for D&A initiatives—prototype high-value use cases where applicable. Engaging stakeholders through interactive methods like interviews and workshops can build stronger relationships and meet their needs. Prototyping high-value use cases provides tangible proof of concept, demonstrating the potential benefits of D&A initiatives. This hands-on approach allows stakeholders to see the practical applications of data and analytics, making them more likely to support and champion these efforts within their areas of influence.

Address Regional Needs

Balance support for the global strategy with regional and local initiatives, effectively tailoring efforts to meet diverse needs. Recognizing the unique needs of different regions and localities is essential for the success of D&A initiatives. While a global strategy provides overarching direction, local adaptations ensure relevance and effectiveness. By balancing global support with tailored local efforts, D&A leaders can address specific challenges and opportunities unique to each area. This localized approach enhances the impact of D&A initiatives and fosters greater acceptance and engagement at all levels of the organization.

Enterprise Enablement

To meet expectations, D&A leaders should focus on delivering business outcomes rather than maintaining enterprise consistency.

Unify Leadership

Place the D&A function under single leadership for accountability and value creation. Ensure consistency while enabling regional and local initiatives. Consolidating leadership for the D&A function ensures a unified vision and strategy. This centralized approach can streamline decision-making processes and provide clear accountability for outcomes. At the same time, it’s essential to enable regional and local initiatives to address specific needs effectively. By balancing centralized leadership with decentralized execution, D&A leaders can ensure consistency and coherence in their strategies while responsive to local requirements.

Business Strategy

Integrate the D&A strategy with the overall business strategy to shift from an internal support role to a business enabler. Alignment with the broader business strategy ensures that D&A initiatives are not isolated projects but integral parts of the organization’s overall objectives. This alignment helps to position the D&A function as a critical enabler of business success rather than a mere support function. By ensuring that D&A efforts directly contribute to strategic goals, leaders can demonstrate the value of data and analytics in driving business performance and achieving enterprise-wide success.

Product Portfolio

Develop products and services that help stakeholders achieve their goals and improve enterprise performance. Creating a portfolio of D&A products and services tailored to stakeholder needs can significantly enhance their ability to achieve their objectives. This portfolio should include tools and solutions that address specific challenges and opportunities. By continuously refining and expanding this portfolio, D&A leaders can ensure they are providing relevant and impactful support to their stakeholders, thereby enhancing overall enterprise performance and demonstrating the value of D&A initiatives.


Create value maps to demonstrate how D&A supports stakeholder success. Use business terms to explain how global D&A initiatives contribute to regional outcomes. Effective communication is critical to showcasing the impact of D&A initiatives. Value maps visually represent how D & A efforts contribute to stakeholder success, making clear the connection between data initiatives and business outcomes. By using business terms and focusing on regional outcomes, D&A leaders can ensure their messages resonate with stakeholders at all levels. This transparent communication helps to build understanding and support for D&A initiatives, enhancing their perceived value and impact.

Business Impact

D&A leaders must transition from measuring internal progress to demonstrating the business impact of their initiatives.

Data Strategy

Evaluate the alignment of data-driven initiatives with strategic goals. Regularly assessing how well D&A initiatives align with strategic goals ensures that efforts are focused on delivering business value. This involves setting clear metrics and benchmarks to measure progress and success. By continually evaluating and adjusting the data strategy, D&A leaders can ensure that their initiatives remain relevant and impactful, driving the organization toward its strategic objectives and demonstrating the value of data-driven decision-making.


Track revenue from data-related products and services to highlight the value of data monetization. Monetizing data involves leveraging it to generate revenue through products, services, or insights. By tracking and showcasing the financial impact of these efforts, D&A leaders can demonstrate the tangible value of data initiatives. This highlights the profitability of data-related ventures and underscores the strategic importance of data in driving business growth and innovation.


Measure the impact of innovative data-driven projects on business opportunities and process improvements. Innovation is a crucial driver of business success, and data can be critical in fostering it. By measuring the impact of data-driven projects on new business opportunities and process improvements, D&A leaders can demonstrate how innovation leads to tangible business benefits. This focus on innovation showcases the potential of data and encourages a culture of continuous improvement and experimentation within the organization.


Calculate the ROI of D&A projects to illustrate financial benefits. Calculating the return on investment (ROI) for D&A projects clearly measures their financial impact. By showcasing the ROI, D&A leaders can demonstrate the value of data initiatives in cost savings, revenue generation, and overall economic performance. This quantitative approach helps to build a compelling business case for continued investment in D&A, highlighting its contribution to the organization’s bottom line.


Create a D&A leader dashboard to display progress against key performance indicators publicly. A well-designed dashboard can provide a transparent view of the D&A function’s performance. By publicly displaying progress against key performance indicators (KPIs), D&A leaders can enhance accountability and visibility. This dashboard can serve as a powerful communication tool, showcasing the achievements and impact of D&A initiatives in a clear and accessible format. It helps to build trust and confidence among stakeholders, reinforcing the value of the D&A function.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is crucial for building a solid brand for the D&A function.

The Message

Develop a visual identity for the D&A function, including a name, logo, and slogan. Creating a strong visual identity helps to brand the D&A function effectively. A distinctive name, logo, and slogan can make the function more recognizable and memorable. This branding effort helps to establish a clear and cohesive image for the D&A function, making it easier to communicate its value and impact to stakeholders. A solid visual identity can also enhance the credibility and professionalism of the D&A function, reinforcing its importance within the organization.


Organize events, hackathons, and presentations to showcase the function’s contributions to stakeholders’ goals. Raising awareness of the D&A function’s contributions involves actively engaging with stakeholders through various events and initiatives. Hackathons, presentations, and internal events can provide platforms to demonstrate the impact of data initiatives. Sharing success stories and case studies helps to illustrate how D&A efforts have contributed to achieving stakeholders’ goals. These activities build awareness and foster a sense of community and collaboration around data-driven initiatives.


Discuss challenges and plans to overcome them. Collaborate with stakeholders to find solutions. Transparency is critical to building trust and credibility. By openly discussing challenges and the steps to address them, D&A leaders can foster a culture of honesty and collaboration. Engaging stakeholders in problem-solving helps build a sense of ownership and partnership. This collaborative approach strengthens relationships and enhances the effectiveness of D&A initiatives by leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise.

Encourage Adoption

Simplify D&A processes and systems to encourage their use in decision-making and workflows. Simplifying D&A processes and systems makes it easier for stakeholders to incorporate data into their decision-making. Streamlining workflows and integrating data tools into everyday applications can enhance user adoption. By making data accessible and user-friendly, D&A leaders can ensure that data-driven decision-making becomes integral to the organization’s culture. This focus on usability and accessibility helps to maximize the impact of D&A initiatives and encourages widespread adoption.

Collaborate and Experiment

Establish cross-functional and multidisciplinary teams. Encourage the prototyping of high-value use cases and measure the results. Collaboration and experimentation are essential for driving innovation and continuous improvement. D&A leaders can leverage diverse skills and perspectives by forming cross-functional and multidisciplinary teams. Encouraging the prototyping of high-value use cases allows for testing and refinement of new ideas. Measuring these experiments' results helps to identify and scale successful initiatives. This iterative approach fosters a culture of innovation and agility, driving the organization forward.

Enable Support

Gain top-down backing and work with local champions to train and educate others. Securing top-down support is crucial for the success of D&A initiatives. Engaging senior leaders and ensuring their endorsement can provide the necessary resources and backing. Working with local champions to train and educate others helps to build grassroots support and drive adoption. These champions can act as advocates and change agents, spreading the message and encouraging others to embrace data-driven practices. This dual approach ensures that support for D&A initiatives is broad and deep, enhancing their impact and sustainability.

By following these steps, D&A leaders can build a robust brand that positions the D&A function as a vital business enabler, driving enterprise success through strategic data initiatives.

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